Pantai Kuwaru

Kuwaru Beach is located in Poncosari, Srandakan district, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta. Located about 29 km from Yogyakarta city center to the southwest. With a journey time of around 45 minutes from downtown Yogyakarta. To go Attraction is not difficult, because road access is good or asphalt. This beach has a cool atmosphere, because along the beach in the Tanami fir shrimp crop.The Kuwaru Beach Vacations is located around 29 km from the center of Jogjakarta, or is 4-5 km East side Pandansimo Coast and around 6-7 km west of Pau Beach. With a journey time of around 45 minutes from downtown Yogyakarta.Two hundred meters before arriving at the beach, will we find TPR or Levies Payment ground. To enter the Kuwaru Beach Tourism Object is not significantly different from other tourist attractions, that no levy imposed on all visitors. Levies are the Bantul local government revenues which can later be used to build, renovate, and mangembangkan tourist area is for the convenience of visitors.Kuwaru Beach has special properties that do not belong to the other shore pine namely shrimp, which could not be found at other beaches. Shrimp fir tree has a function as a breaking wave when the Tsunami happened and ¬-peng reduce salt in the air, which produces a lot of oxygen to the beach it was very cold air.Beach Tourism Object Kuwaru Bantul has road access is good and asphalt. But still quite distressed when visitors choose to use the big bus, because the available road width is less for the same vehicle. But visitors can menempunya using motorized vehicles, both motorcycles or four-wheeled vehicles. The journey takes about 45 minutes from Yogyakarta to Kuwaru beach.During the trip into the region of Bantul we will be presented with a view that would be very rare find in urban areas. The vast rice field with colorful crops are very diverse, not infrequently one will also find the farmers who are and will be working on rice fields.In addition, during the course we will also pass through several villages and villagers finally reached the beach destination Kuwaru. We will also be treated to banyaknnya trees that grow around the village or the village on the outskirts of the rice fields. The wind blows breezy airy foliage and moves all pepohoan, which makes us feel calm and comfortable during trips to the beach in Kuwaru.Kuwaru Coast provide a range of facilities for visitors, among other mosque, toilet, and a spacious parking area. There was also a variety of attractions such as Swimming Pool Levers, ATV motor, motor trail, mini cars, ball bath. At certain times there is often also carousel, higher-lala, and home bubble. All the vehicles are increasingly pamper visitors tour the Area Kuwaru Beach, Bantul 

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 

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