Candi Sukuh

Sukuh is a Hindu temple complex located in Karanganyar district, the former residency of Surakarta, Central Java. The temple is classified as a Hindu temple because of the discovery of the object of worship linga and yoni. The temple is classified as controversial because of its less common and because of the many objects that symbolize the phallus and yoni sexuality. Sukuh been proposed to UNESCO to be one of the World Heritage Site since 1995.
Brief history of the discovery
Sukuh temple site was first reported in the British government in Java in 1815 by Johnson, the resident of Surakarta. Johnson was then tasked by Thomas Stanford Raffles to collect data in order to write his book The History of Java. After the British government passed, in 1842, Van der Vlis, Dutch archaeologist, conducted the study. The first restoration was started in 1928. 

Temple site
Sukuh temple site is located at the foot of Mount Lawu slopes at an altitude of approximately 1186 meters above sea level at coordinates 07o37, 38 '85'' south latitude and 111o07,. 52'65'' West Longitude. The temple is located in Hamlet Berjo, Sukuh village, district Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar regency, Central Java. This temple is approximately 20 kilometers from the town of Karanganyar and 36 kilometers from Surakarta.
The structure of the temple
Sukuh the temple gives the impression of a striking simplicity to the visitors. The impression gained from this temple is quite different from those obtained from the major temples in Central Java, the other is the Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. Sukuh temple forms tend to be similar to the Maya in Mexico's cultural heritage or cultural heritage of the Incas in Peru. This structure will also remind visitors of the forms of pyramid in Egypt. 

This impression of simplicity attracted the attention of renowned Dutch archaeologist, WF Stutterheim, in 1930. He tried to explain it by giving three arguments. First, the possibility sculptor Sukuh but not a bricklayer carpenter from the village and not from the palace. Both temples made with a little less haste so neat. Third, the political situation ahead of time that the collapse of Majapahit, making it impossible to create a large and magnificent temples.
The visitors who enter the main door and enter the biggest gate will see the typical architectural form that is not arranged perpendicular but somewhat oblique, trapezoidal in shape with a roof on it.
The stones in this temple is slightly reddish in color, because the stones used is the type of andesite. 

sumber: WiKi 

visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Museum Fosil Sangiran

Sangiran Museum is the archaeological museum which is located in District Kalijambe, Sragen regency, Central Java province, Indonesia. The museum is adjacent to the ancient fossil site Sangiran area which is one of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sangiran site has an area of 56 km ² covers three districts in Sragen (Gemolong, Kalijambe, and Plupuh) as well as incoming District Gondangrejo Karanganyar district. Sangiran was in the Sangiran Dome region, which is part of the depression Solo, at the foot of Mount Lawu (17 km from the city of Solo). Sangiran Museum and its archaeological sites, in addition to being interesting attractions is also an arena of research on the most important prehistoric life and the most comprehensive in Asia, even the world.

In museums and sites can be obtained Sangiran complete information about the patterns of early human life in Java, which accounts for the development of science such as Anthropology, Archaeology, Geology, Paleoanthropologi. In this Sangiran site also, for the first time, the fossils of the lower jaw Pithecantropus erectus (one species in the taxon Homo erectus) by the German archaeologist, Professor Von Koenigswald.

More interestingly, in the area of ​​the site are also traces of Sangiran 2 million year old remains of up to 200,000 years old can still be found up to now. Are relatively intact. So experts can assemble a common thread of a history that has ever happened in Sangiran, respectively. 

sumber: WiKi 

visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Kedung Kayang

Waterfall tourist center of information kayang geographically situated between two mountains, the Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. Exactly is in the village of Selo sub-district Klakah Boyolali. Waterfall tourist center of information located on the northern tourist kayang Ketep Pass.

Kedung kayang is a very beautiful natural attractions. In the tourist areas you can enjoy the beautiful waterfall kayang center of information is quite heavy. When you are location, then our hearts will be a cool waterfall sesejuk kayang center of information, plus a gentle breeze mountain breeze. Besides you can enjoy the beautiful waterfalls, mountains Merapi and Merbabu greatness would be to add the beautiful atmosphere. On the day of the weekend, this place would be crowded by tourists who simply removes fatigue or a young couple who forge an appointment mudi.

There are many facilities that you can see among other diner, lodging, camping. In addition for those of you who like adventure, this place is also very suitable to be selected.

To get to this location quite easily, be by private vehicle or public transportation. Muntilan - kayang center of information, salatiga - kayang center of information or Boyolali - kayang center of information. A winding twisty roads also add to the atmosphere becomes even more beautiful

sumber: WiKi 

visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Waduk Gajah Mungkur

Gajah Mungkur reservoir is a reservoir which is located 3 km south of the City Wonogiri regency, Central Java Province. Waters of the artificial lake created by stemming the longest river in the island of Java, Solo river. Was built in the late 1970's and began operations in 1978. Reservoir with an area of ​​approximately 8800 ha in 7 districts can irrigate an area of ​​23 600 ha of rice fields in the area Sukoharjo, Klaten, Karanganyar and Sragen. In addition to supplying drinking water Wonogiri Cities also generate electricity from the hydroelectric power of 12.4 megawatts. To build the dam, the government moved people displaced by the reservoir waters bedol transmigration village to Sitiung, West Sumatra Province.

Gajah Mungkur reservoir is also a wonderful place for recreation. Here are the boat to circle the waters, as well as a fishing spot. Moreover, it can also enjoy their sport hang gliders (hang gliding). There is also a leisure park "Spring" is located 6 km south of the City of Wonogiri. In the dry season, water reservoirs will discharge a small and visible part of the reservoir base. Reservoir on the outskirts of the base used by local people to plant crops, like corn.

These reservoirs are planned to be 100 years old. However, sedimentation occurs causing an estimated age of the reservoir will not be long. Jasa Tirta Solo overwhelmed to perform maintenance on Reservoir Gajah Wonogiri Mungkur in the job. Damage to the watershed (DAS) which causes severe sedimentation of the reservoir is very high

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia