Pantai Depok
Distance is not so far from Parangtritis (1.5 kilometers) Depok Beach area increased visitors, then opened a seafood diner with a traditional feel with Lesbian designed using mats and small tables. Although simple, they are clean and comfortable.
Depok Beach also has a beach and Police Unit officers. Their existence is quite soothing ocean waves when there is a warning that is not friendly to tourists. As for tourists who want to stay, they can stay at the inn and inns in the area of Parangtritis and Parangkusumo.
Depok Beach beauty of the area lies not only in the seafood dish alone. In the region we can see the expanse of sand dunes stretching to the region and Parangtritis Parangkusumo. Dune sand on this beach is the only one in Southeast Asia and is a rare phenomenon in the tropics. Here, you can enjoy a wide expanse of sand dunes Yuan. Sand dunes in the area of Depok Beach was formed through a unique process over thousands of years ago. There are several types that are formed, namely the parabolic dune longitudinal dune, dune and barchan dune comb. The sea breeze and steep hills to the east of the sand fly terendap results Merapi activity near the river to the mainland, forming dunes or dune.
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
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Pantai Kuwaru
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Grand Puri Water Park
To increase tourist visits to the city of Jogjakarta and Art Market Gabusan in particular, has been present means that the Grand Castle Water Recreation Water Park as one tourist destination.
Grand Castle Water Park was established on February 3, 2010 and for the future development plans will continue to expand the Grand Castle Water Park.
Grand Castle Water Park located at km 9.5 Gabusan Jl.Parangtritis Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta, precisely in front of the Art Market Gabusan. Grand Castle Water Park was built in an area of 1.5 hectares. The total area of 1 hejtar used for the construction of the swimming pool and 0.5 hectares of land used for construction parking.
The rides at the Grand Castle Water Park
Swimming Semiolympic
Semi-olympic pool has a depth of 1-1.5 meters, with an area of 481.25 m² pool.
Toddler Swimming
In this toddler pool has a depth of 20-40 cm, with an area of 350 m² pool. In this toddler pool are spilled bucket rides, water playground and 2 mini waterslide for children - children.
Swimming Recipients
The recipient pool has a depth of 60-90 cm, with an area of 350 m² pool. At the receiver, there rides a pool 2 racing slides and water slides with 4 different heights. while the 12-meter waterslide tower tinggu.
Swimming Flow
The current pool has a depth of 1.35 meters and 2.75 meters wide and 175 meters long with an area of 577.25 m² pool.
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Gua Selarong
Cave Attraction Selarong now is equipped with campground area. This object is located about 14 km south of Yogyakarta, on a hilltop covered with many trees. Around the Cave Selarong expansion is also being studied agro objects with klengkeng as the main attraction.
On 21 July 1825, a Dutch team led by assistant Resident Chevallier hem Dalem Prince Diponegoro in Tegalrejo to catch Prince Diponegoro. But Prince Diponegoro will get away and head to Selarong. In place secretly been prepared to serve as headquarters. Selarong own a village located at the foot of limestone hills, is about six pal (9 km) from the city of Yogyakarta. After the events in Tegalrejo reach Kraton, many nobles who left the palace and joined the Prince Diponegoro. They are the descendants of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, II and III, which amounted to no less than 77 people and plus followers.
Thus at the end of july 1825. Gathered in Selarong aristocrats who later became the team captain in Prince Diponegoron. They are Mangkubumi, Adinegoro Prince, Prince Panular, Adiwinoto Suryodipuro, Blitar, Kyai Mojo, Prince Ronggo, Ngabei Mangunharjo and Prince Surenglogo.
Pangeran Diponegoro also ordered Joyomenggolo, Bahuyudo and Honggowikromo to mobilize the country around Selarong pendulduk and ready to do battle. In this place also arranged strategies and measures to ensure that the target will djserang. On 31 July 1825 Prince Diponegoro and Mangkubumi write a letter to the community to get ready to do battle Kedu. In the letter he says that it's time to return to the province Kasultanan Kedu Yogyakarta after seized by the Dutch.
In Selarong formed several battalion led by Ing Ngabei Joyokusumo, Pangeran Prabu Wiromenggolo and Sentot Prawirodirja with different clothing and attributes. During the month of July 1825, almost all suburbs inhabited by the team Diponegoro. The headquarters of Prince Diponegoro in Selarong led by five-play consisting of the chief headquarters of Prince Diponegoro, Mangkubumi is the oldest member of the advisory board and housekeeper, Prince Angabei Jayakusuma commander schemer and an advisor on the battlefield Alibasah Sentot Prawirodirjo a small sejsk educated at the Palace and after the war joined the Prince Diponegoro Diponergoro and Kyai Maja team participated as spiritual adviser of Prince Diponegoro.
On 7 August 1825 the strength of Diponegoro teams around 6,000 people stormed the National Palace and successfully mastered. Still not sit Pangeran Diponegoro Yogyakarta and Sri Sultan HB V successfully saved and secured in Fort Vredeburg with tight control of Kraton.
Event 21 July 1825 in Yogyakarta up to the Commissioner-General van der Capellen on 24 July 1825. More decided to lift Lentan General HM De Kock as government commissioner for Kasultanan Yogyakarta and Surakarta Kasunanan given special privileges in the fields of military or civilian.
Efforts made by General De Kock between lainmenulis letter to P. Diponegoro Finds invites P.Diponegoro for peace. But the invitation to negotiate is firmly rejected by Prince Diponegoro. With the rejection of the then General De Kock ordered to storm Selarong. But when the Dutch arrived in Selarong, the village was deserted because of Prince Diponegoro team is split up in different directions. According to the chronicle, further establish the headquarters of Prince Diponegoro in Dekso which lasted approximately 10 months from the date of 4 November 1825 until August 4, 1826.
For Selarong headquartered in the Netherlands has done three times a first strike attack on July 25, 1825, led by Captain Bouwes. This attack is an action game Prince Diponegoro in Logorok Pisangan near Yogyakarta, which resulted in 215 Dutch troops surrendered. Second attack in September under the command of Lieutenant Colonel and Major Sellwinj Achenbac and third attack date 4 November 1825. Selarong Each team Dutch attacked the team of Prince Diponegoro disappear in the caves, the caves around Selarong.
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Resep Manju
350 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
4 sdt baking powder
55 gr gula
165 ml air hangat (campur dengan 1 sdt ragi instan, optional)
340 gr anko (pasta kacang azuki/kacang merah)
2 tetes pewarna merah (optional)
Cara membuat:
1. Ayak tepung dan baking powder. Masukkan ke dalam mangkuk
besar. Tambahkan gula. Tuang air hangat dalam mangkuk dan uleni adonan sampai halus.
2. Bagi adonan menjadi 12 buah. Buatlah bentuk bulat dan pipihkan.
3. Taruh sesendok anko mengisi di
tengah adonan. Tutup anko dengan menaik sisi-sisinya ke atas, bulatkan.
4. Tempatkan masing-masing bulatan adonan diatas selembar kertas roti.
5. Masukkan ke dalam kukusan yang telah dialas kain serbet.
Kukus dengan api besar selama 15 menit.