Pantai Siung
Along the way to the beach location, you will be treated to views of limestone hills covered with teak trees. The road is winding and ascending, a challenge that you must pass before reaching Siung. However, exhausting trip will pay off when you've been in the area Siung. Beach with white sand and the sound of waves, will create mood and your mind calm and peaceful.
Because the beach is so secluded, mash the facilities available are minimal, only available parking area, restrooms, and stalls. For hotel accommodation is not available here, but if you want to spend the night in Siung, you can use the climbers hut that looks like a house on stilts with a capacity of approximately 20 people. If you want to spend the night with Nature, you can bring your own tent you can use around the cliffs.
If you are from the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta you can use a path-Wonosari-Tepus-Purwodadi-Siung. If you use public transportation, you can use the bus from the terminal by bus Giwangan Yogyakarta Jogja-Wonosari. Arriving at the terminal Wonosari, you can use the public transport department Wonosari-Tepus. Once Tepus terminal, you can use a motorcycle taxi, because the only public transportation that can be used up to Siung.
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Install Windows 7
Pastikan dahulu OS versi 32bit atau 64bit:
-)klik start
-)klik kanan pada komputer
Kita mulai menginstall windows dengan cara sebagai berkut:
- Ubah boot jika laptop/komputer anda tidak detect dvd, restart laptop/komputer nanti ada tulisan F2/F12/F9/F10/del diatas atau dibawah layar, setiap merk berbeda
- Setelah itu cari "boot" pada paparan bios komputer anda dan pilih DVD sebagai default atau letakkan diatas/no.1 dan tekan F10 untuk save and exit.
laptop/komputer restart otomatis dan akan detect dvd windows, pada layar muncul "press any key to boot from cd" tekan enter, jika tidak menekan laptop/komputer akan on otomatis.
- Setelah itu layar akan keluar
"windows is loading files"
- Pilih bahasa yang ingin anda
gunakan, dan klik "next"
- Setelah itu klik pada "install now"
- Klik "I accept the license tems" dan klik "next"
- Klik pada "custom (advance)"
- Set partition Harddisk
1. Untuk full clean format,
pilih drive C:/ klik pada "drive options (advance)" lalu pilih delete.
ulangi langkah tersebut untuk drive D:/, E:/, dll sampai tinggal satu partisi saja.
kemudian klik "next"
2. Untuk system format,
pilih drive C:/ klik pada "drive options (advance)" lalu pilih format lanjutkan klik "next"
ini tidak akan menghapus file di drive C:/ dan D:/
- Windows akan mulai menginstall sekitar 30 menit, tunggu Proses Install. laptop/komputer akan restart otomatis beberapa kali, tunggu saja.
- Saat windows sedang menginstall, jangan klik/tekan apapun sehingga windows keluar "set up windows" tuliskan nama laptop/komputer, klik "next"
- Jika ingin memakai password
silakan, jika tiada klik "next"
- Serial number
isikan serial number jika anda mempunyai serial number original dari microsoft, jika tidak biarkan tetap kosong.
hilangkan tanda centang "activate when online" klik "next"
- Klik "use recommended
- Pilih default zone waktu anda
- Done Laptop/computer telah diformat
Resep Taiyaki
Cara membuat taiyaki
250 g tepung terigu
250 g gula pasir
5 butir telur
25 g madu
1 sdt baking soda
100 ml air
7 ml mirin
400 g kacang merah, bersihkan,
rendam semalaman
270 g gula batu, hancurkan menjadi
bongkahan kecil
Cara membuat:
1. Campur tepung terigu, gula,
telur, madu, baking soda, air dan
mirin, aduk rata. Kemudian
saring. Diamkan adonan selama
6 jam hingga mengembang.
2. Panaskan cetakan kemudian
masukkan 1 sdm (15 ml) adonan
kue taiyaki, Masak hingga
kecokelatan. Lakukan hingga
adonan habis.
3. Isi: rebus kacang merah hingga
mendidih, buang airnya. Lakukan
berulang sebanyak 4 kali hingga
kacang bersih dan lunak.
4. Tambahkan gula, aduk hingga
gula larut dan cairan menjadi
5. Penyajian: olesi permukaan kue
taiyaki dengan 1 sdm adonan isi,
ratakan kemudian tangkupkan
satu lapis lagi diatasnya. Sajikan.
Ringtone Android
Untuk menambah pilihan nada di android, silakan ikuti petunjuk di bawah
1. buat folder di sdcard dengan nama /media
2. masuk folder /media kemudian buat tiga folder dengan nama /alarms, /notifications, /ringtones
3. isi ketiga folder dengan file audio yang anda inginkan
4. reboot
5. cek di settings > sound > phone ringtone
Pantai Wedi Ombo
Wediombo Beach has a lower contour than the surrounding land. Several dozen stairs into our early access to enjoy the beauty Wediombo. As he climbed down the road we could see the expanse of farm fields and houses somewhere in the beach do not miss all the remaining mangrove vegetation. The hills are steep and craggy make Wediombo Coast region was the scene for the angler to feel the pleasure of fishing on the hill. Habits of the locals is finally transmitted to the mincing mania that is outside the area.
Fishing at the height of the cliff is not easy for the fishing mania. Along the shoreline toward the east and then continued up and down the reef at the shoreline and waves smooth waves great.Wouldn up there then followed up on the hill directly facing the ocean and the vast Indonesian.
Great struggle paid completed with satisfactory results for the fishing mania in the spot. Swordfish or Panjo (in local language) is minimal results that will be obtained for the fishing mania. Fish whose length is equivalent to an adult human's arm has 2 types, in the form of roundworm (cylinder) were encountered in the dry season, while the flattened (flat) encountered during the rainy season and the fishing mania usually use anchovies as bait which can be found on the edge beach. Get any easier living throwing a hook or bait casting nets can be obtained.
Not much different from the population on the coast, Wedi Ombo Beach residents about cultural ceremony is often called Ngalangi held once a year. The ceremony is similar to the Great Labuan whose sole purpose is to express our gratitude to God for the gift bestowed, and invoke a better fortune for the future. Ngalangi or blocking is a procession of fishing by using gawar made from tree roots radiating wawar as nets anchored on the hill Kedungwok together and driven into the sea by the local community.
After the water receded, the fish was taken. Residents then busy cleaning and cooking fish catches. Most small fish back into the ocean dilabuh with rice and offerings. Most other families divided by the amount of locals and delivered to the homes of residents. The event drove the fish into the homes of residents is often called kendurian large, manifestation of local wisdom that all fish is good fortune
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Desa Wisata Kembang Arum
Located in a rural area of Lintas Merapi, Kembangarum village can be reached about 45 minutes from the city of Yogyakarta with a motor vehicle. After passing through the winding path, a small signboard welcoming us before entering the village Kembangarum.
Small alley as the entrance of the main street was initially a bit dubious, especially with Kembangarum nameplate less visible. But after getting into the alley just wide enough for one car, scenic village clean and neat directly attacking us.
Stone fence so arranged neatly, looks at one with nature, natural and simple. Various ornamental plants planted along the alley. This combination clearly distinguish ordinary villagers from the village Kembangarum. The atmosphere is quiet, with traditional housing and fresh air.
Standing in the middle of 2005, the village Kembangarum apparently learned quickly. The village was originally just an ordinary village were built into a tourist village which offers a variety of nature activities.
Barked trees that lined the courtyard houses are mostly agro location barking. It provides an opportunity for visitors who come to enjoy picking bark and directly in the garden.
Not only pondoh barking, barking ivory with a yellowish colored skin and no less delicious taste also cultivated here. Even the ivory bark become one of the specialties on offer. Salak ivory is boiled.
In addition to the garden barking, Kembangarum village also has a tempor River which also functioned as a tourism vehicle. Treking for 1 hour down the river, rice fields and countryside much loved by tourists.
The programs are designed and built in the tourist village of promoting education or education for children in particular. This indicated the presence of degan painting studios and libraries are built attractive for children. Library luis da studio is located on the river and the park deknat thus adding a cool atmosphere in the village. Obviously it is very attractive to children. In addition to education, Kembangarum tourist village also offers a means of traditional games in the courtyard pavilion which made painting studios. Various traditional games like enggrang, hopscotch, dakon, gobak Sodor, and others can be played at the site. River in the village is also used as a means of game. The river is not a river is dirty and unkempt, but deliberately treated the river and made as an arena game.
Fishing pond and a natural pool is a playground that is not less interesting. Kembangarum tourist village has an area of 13 acres so many objects and arena games that can be served in the village.
Infrastructures are There in the village Kembangarum:
Arena game due
Painting studios
Library tour
Cars for hiking
Transport pathways Kembangarum
Terminal Giwangan (Jogja bus-Paste) - get off at Market Sleman - rose lane D4
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Resep Dorayaki
Bahan untuk Pasta kacang
» Sebanyak 1 cangkir
kacang Azuki yang
direndam satu malam
» Siapkan 4 cangkir
air, untuk merebus
» Gula sebanyak 3/4
» Garam 3/4 sendok
Bahan untuk Pancakes
» Telur ayam kampung
2 butir (sekitar 140
» Gula 1/2 cangkir
» Madu 1 sendok
» Tepung yang sudah
diayak 1 cangkir
» 1/4 sdt baking
» 1/2 cangkir air
» Minyak nabati untuk
Cara Membuat Kue
Takaran resep kue dorayaki
diatas saya buat dengan
ukuran cangkir. Setelah
semua bahan siap langkah
peretama buat pasta kacang.
Kacang Azuki Jepang ini
cukup banyak beredar di
Indonesia, bentuknya seperti
kacang hijua berwarna merah,
untuk membuat pasta tiriskan
kacang yang direndam dan
bilas dengan air bersih.
Kemudian masak dengn panas
yang tinggi, kacang
dimasukan setelah air
mendidih setelah air mendidih
kembali kecilkan api ke panas
medium tutup panci tetapi
tidak terlalu rapat sampai
lunak dan kulit terlepas
kurang lebih 1,5 jam. Angkat
kemudian tiriskan. Campur
kacang dengan gula, dan
garam lumat aduk dan lumat
sampai tercampur sempurna
kemudian panaskan dengan
panci sekitar 5 menit dengan
api sedang angkat dan
sisihkan hingga dingin.
Selanjutnya menyiapkan
pancake nya campur telur,
gula, dan madu dan kocok
sampai rata. Tambahkan
tepung terigu, baking powder,
dan 1,5 cangkir pasta kacang.
Aduk perlahan dan sedikit
demi sedikit masukan air
terus aduk sampai kalis.
Setelah adonan siap panaskan
wajan anti lengket tuang satu
sendok teh minyak kemudian
tuang satu sendok teh adonan
beri jarak antar adonan yang
digoreng jangan sampai saling
bergabung, setelha terlihat
menggelembung kurang lebih
2 menit proses menggoreng
balik pancake sampai
berwarna kuning keemasan,
angkat tiriskan atau taruh
diatas kertas absorb untuk
menghilangkan minyak
berlebih. Beri pasta kacang
dan tangkupkan 2 buah
pancake seperti sandwich.
Kode Remote TV
Tekan dan tahan "set" sampai lampu menyala, kalau cara ini tidak berhasil coba tekan dan tahan "set" lalu tekan "power" setelah lampu nyala, lepaskan kedua tombol.
Kemudian tekan kode dibawah ini yang sesuai dengan merk TV anda
001, 002, 014, 015, 021, 022, 059,
SONY : 041, 049, 005, 094,
106. 148. 237. 238. 239. 240
SAMSUNG : 008, 011, 016,
021, 024, 025, 033, 0337, 039, 040, 043, 050, 051, 091, 23, 223
TOSHIBA : 000, 014, 016, 027,
033, 053, 056, 007, 008 , 015, 028,
030, 089, 090, 091, 079, 159, 285,
286, 287
Desa Wisata Ketingan
The history of this village from the road inauguration by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X in 1997, at the time of the last event of sudden innumerable bird heron comes to the village, the day the birds multiply and nest in tree - the tree of this country to Now, if the afternoon by the bird - the bird can reach thousands of pieces.
Since 2000, the village as a tourist village inaugurated by Sri Sultan. The tourists usually use home - home residents as a place to stay, the local villagers have also been preparing a place for tourists at home, not only local tourists but also many tourists who use the facilities mancanegara provided citizens.
Besides enjoying the unique white egret bird activity, didesa you can do interesting activities, from direct download kesawah to grow rice, plowing fields and harvesting rice yellowing, besides enjoying the show events and arts and culture village ketingan be an interesting case, as jathilan, krawitan, shadow puppets and Anguk be things that will entertain you and your family. And for those of you who want to stay a while, didesa prepared plait your homestay with Javanese traditional house (Joglo) unique and comfortable. Make tourist village ketingan be your destination to settle down and enjoy nature and seisinya so interesting and beautiful to look at. Other tourist village ketingan you can also touring other provincial villages in Sleman district, as pentingsari tourist village and tourist village and tourist village GROGOL srowolan.
How to get There:
Village tour to head to use private vehicles in the form of two-wheel or four-wheel, because there is no public transport that pass this location directly on the north sewers Mataram Tirtoadi area.
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia