Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta

Mangkunegaran kingdom was built in 1757, two years after the talks held Gijanti the contents of which divide the government of Java into the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta Kesunanan. Surakarta royal apart after Prince Raden Mas Said rebellion and for the support sunan establish his own kingdom. Raden Mas Said Mangkunegoro I took the title and establish territories on the west bank of the river in downtown yan Pepe is now named Solo.
Puro Mangkunegaran disebuttempat which is actually better than the residence of the prince's palace, the palace was built following the model of its shape but smaller. This building has architectural features similar to the palace, on pamedan, pavilion, pringgitan, dalem and kaputran, which is entirely surrounded by a solid wall.
Like the main building in the courts of Surakarta and Yogyakarta Palace, Puro Mangkunegaran undergone several changes during the peak period of Dutch colonial rule in Central Java. These changes appear on a popular European decor feature at that time.
Once the door is opened the main gate pamedan behold, the field perlatihan Mangkunegaran forces soldiers. Former center cavalry, cavalry are building on the east pamedan. A second gate to the courtyard in the Great Hall where the establishment of a measuring 3500 square meters. Pavilion that can accommodate five to ten thousand people, for years considered the largest hall in Indonesia. Wooden poles that support the roof, square joglo taken from trees growing in forests in the hills Mangkunegaran Wonogiri. The entire building was built without using nails. In this hall there are four sets of gamelan, the one in use on a regular basis and three others are used only at a special ceremony.

Yellow and green colors dominate the pavilion is pari anom (young rice) color Mangkunegaran typical family. Ornate ceiling light-colored pavilion symbolizes Hindu-Javanese astrology and the ceiling is hung a row of antique chandelier. At first people were present in the pavilion sits cross-legged on the floor. The new chair was introduced at the end of the 19th century when the government Mangkunegoro VI.
Place in the back of the pavilion there is an open verandah, which named Pringgitan, which has stairs to Dalem Ageng, a room of 1000 square meters, which is traditionally a royal bride's bedroom, now serves as a museum. In addition to exhibiting petanen (where funeral Dewi Sri) who covered woven silk, which became the center of attention of visitors, the museum is also showing off jewelry, weapons, clothing, medals, equipment puppets, coins, pictures of kings and Mangkunegaran art objects.
In the middle of the Puro Mangkunegaran behind Dalem Ageng, there Mangkunegaran family residence. This place, which still has a quiet atmosphere like at the country house belonging to the nobility, now used by the royal family. Park on the inside is overgrown with flowering trees and ornamental shrubs, also merupajan nature reserve with a cage containing a bird chirping, the statues of classical European model, as well as butterflies with colorful shower twitching under sunshine days. Overlooking the park is open, is the Home Dalem, the angular eight, where there are chandeliers and exquisite European furnishings. Glass-mounted gold-rimmed glass lined the walls. From the porch leading into the dining room looks with stained-glass window that contains the scene image in Java, dressing rooms and dressing the king's daughter, and a beautiful bathroom.

Remnants of which are still apparent at this point is the library which was founded in 1867 by Mangkunegoro IV. The library is located on the second floor, above the Palace Affairs Office on the left pamedan. Libraries wooden shutters wide open so that sunlight can enter, until now still used by historians and students. They can find a leather-bound manuscripts, books a variety of languages, especially languages ​​of Java, many collections of historic photographs and data about the ownership of plantations and other Mangkoenegaran.
Until now Puro Mangkunegaran remain well maintained and bengunan this is the only palace where the royal family residence open to the public. For visitors who want to stay, the palace presents hotels built

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

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