Install Driver PC

Cara Install Driver Pada

- Masukan kepingan CD driver pada CD-ROM/RW drive
- Klik Start
- Klik kanan pada My Computer (windows xp), Computer (windows 7)
- Klik Properties
- Klik tab Hardware-Device Manager (windows xp), Device Manager (windows 7)
- Klik kanan pada komponen yang bermasalah (ber-tanda tanya)
- Klik Update Driver
- Klik lingkaran kecil No, not this time kemudian Next
- Klik lingkaran kecil "Install from a list of spesific location" (Advanced)
Klik/centang "Search removable media" (floppy, CD_ROM) dan "Include this location in the search"
- Klik "Browse" kemudian cari file driver pada cd-rom/rd drive (sesuaikan dengan driver yang dibutuhkan, misalnya sound, vga, chipset dll) kemudian klik OK dan
- Tunggu hingga proses installasi selesai dan klik Finish
- Selesai sudah proses installasi driver pada laptop maupun komputer desktop, apabila ada muncul pesan untuk melakukan restart komputer, klik restart komputer.

Pantai Pandan Simo

At the time of King Hamengkubuwono VIII inaugurated the beach and made a tirakatan, once a fishing village. Here is the fish market, and there padepokan built with a special model building Java.
From a distance, the building is in the middle of this pine tree, looks like simo, tiger. But after close, this place was cool. So this place is called by the name Pandan Simo. Not far from here there Pandan Sari, who also are on certain nights, especially Friday night Kliwon. Also there Pandan Umbrella, about a mile westward. Here is quiet and surrounded by desert is big enough.
Large sea waves and wild, mystical atmosphere that is thick with many a sacred petilasan, hustle and bustle of the fishermen fight against violent waves a tourist attraction points for style. In addition to panoramic beaches, the beaches there are also Pandansimo pilgrimage sights like Pandanpayung and Pau. It interesting to do here is spend marine fish directly from local fishermen.
Beaches along Pandan Simo is not suitable for swimming. Very deep and steep. But the view is very nice, especially in the morning around 05.30 am to 06.30 am. Not far from here there is a new port is being built, the port for the fishermen. The fish sold here are pretty cheap, around Rp 20.000,00 /kg. 

 sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 


Parangtritis is a popular tourist beach and village area on the southern coast of Java in the Bantul Regency within the province of the Yogyakarta Special Region. There is a good road to the area which is about 30 km south of the city of Yogyakarta, located just on the border between Bantul and Gunung Kidul regencies.

Quite large crowds of mainly local tourists visit Parangtritis over weekends and at holidays. Larger tourist buses as well as various types of cheaper minibuses ply the route to the beach from Yogyakarta. There are local tourist facilities at Parangtritis including parking arrangements, modest hotels which provide visitors with places to change and shower, and small restaurants. Often small ponies or horse-drawn carts can be hired for rides along the beach. Tourists also visit some of the various caves and springs in the cliffs and hills near Parangtritis, such as the Gua Tapan cave and the Beji spring, which are quite close to the beach,

Parangtritis is sometimes said to be a place to meet the legendary Nyai Loro Kidul (also known as Ratu Kidul) or 'Queen of the South'.
Local folklore warns visitors not to wear green clothes or the Ratu Kidul is likely to try to entice the wearer into the ocean to drown. The beach is not really a good swimming beach. Drownings are unfortunately not uncommon at Parangtritis,
partly because many Indonesians have never had the opportunity to learn to swim and partly because channels, strong rips and sizable waves often occur off the beach.

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 


Install Windows XP

Berikut Langkah-langkah cara install ulang Windows XP Professional dan perhatikan keterangan-keterangannya.

1. Nyalakan Komputer/Laptop,
kemudian tekan DEL (biasanya pada komputer) atau F2 pada Laptop, terkadang juga F1 atau esc pada merk yang lain.
Hal ini dilakukan untuk masuk ke setup menu, untuk memastikan "booting" dimulai dari CD.
2. Masuk setup menu, ini
tampilannya berbeda-beda
tergantung dari merk, kemudian
cari "Boot" untuk setting booting
pertama ke CD installer windows XP.
3. Arahkan CD menjadi urutan yang pertama, ingat tampilan menunya berbeda-beda tergantung merk tapi intinya sama, untuk memposisikan CD menjadi urutan pertama biasanya ada keterangan di samping atau bawah.
4. Exit dan save, kemudian yes,
maka komputer/laptop akan segera booting.
5. Tekan tombol apa saja pada saat muncul tulisan "Press any key to boot from CD" supaya
masuk ke proses instalasi windows XP, waktunya hanya 5 detik, jika tidak ditekan maka proses instalasi tidak akan terjadi.
6. Masuk ke proses instalasi, pada saat ini tidak melakukan apapun, perhatikan saja.
7. Tekan Enter untuk memulai
proses instalasi. (terdapat
keterangan dipaling bawah)
Tekan R untuk melakukan reparasi Windows diRecovery Consule atau F3 untuk mengakhiri proses instal.
8. Tekan F8 untuk menyetujui
proses instalasi atau ESC untuk membatalkan proses instalasi.
9. Masuk ke pengaturan partisi atau disebut juga pengaturan Hardisk/hard drive. Partisi ini jumlahnya beda-beda tergantung pengaturan sejak awal, tetapi bisa diatur-atur lagi.
Dibawah ini contoh dengan jumlah 2 Partisi yaitu C: dan
D: (C: sistem windows dan D: data-data/local disk),
namanya mungkin berbeda-beda,
tapi yakinkan yang akan di install
yang C: ,
Arahkan kursor/tanda marking ke C: atau sistem windows XP sebelumnya, kemudian tekan D atau Del. Ini dilakukan untuk membersihkan partisi, sehingga benar-benar bersih.
10. Kemudian tekan L untuk menyetujui proses delete.
11. Arahkan kursor atau tanda ke partisi yang akan diinstall Windows XP. Kemudian buat partisi yang baru dengan menekan ENTER (Otomatis) atau menekan tombol C (Create
Partition/Buat Partisi).

untuk mengatur partisi yang lainpun langkah-langkahnya sama saja,
seperti pengaturan untuk partisi D: (tapi D: biasanya berisi data-data pemakai, jadi hati2 atau back up dulu ke flash disk).
12. Ketikan ukuran partisi yang diinginkan (biasanya 5 digit/ukuran MB) tekan tombol C atau tekan ENTER saja pun tidak apa-apa.
umumnya disarankan lebih dari 20 Gigabytes (20000), kalau tekan Enter berarti otomatis.
13. Tekan ENTER
14. Proses instalasi dimulai secara otomatis, yaitu memasukan data-data sistem ke Hard disk.
15. Jangan lakukan apapun.
16. Proses merestart, jangan lakukan apapun
17. Jangan menekan tombol apapun, kalau menekan tombol nanti kembali lagi ke proses pengaturan partisi dari awal.
Jadi biarkan saja.
18. Proses Penyempurnaan instalasi Windows XP, jangan lakukan apapun.
19. Jangan lakukan apapun.
20. Tekan Next.
21. Ketikkan nama sesuai keinginan.
22. Ketikkan Kode atau "Product Key" yang telah dipersiapkan. Kemudian tekan next.
23. Ketikkan lagi nama komputer/laptop sesuai keinginan.
24. Atur waktu untuk disesuaikan. Pastikan tahunnya yang benar.
25. Proses instalasi dilanjutkan.
26. Tekan Next.
27. Tekan Next.
28. Jangan lakukan apapun.
29. Jangan menekan tombol apapun, nanti kalau ditekan kembali lagi ke awal.
30. Tekan Next.
31. Pilih yang merah (Not right now) kemudian tekan Next.
32. Tekan skip.
33. Pilih No kemudian tekan Next.
34. Ketikkan Nama sesuai keinginan. Kemudian tekan Next.
35. Tekan Finish.
36. Tekan OK.
37. Tekan OK.
38. Selamat Proses instalasi
Windows XP Professional telah
Keluarkan CD windows XP
installernya, kemudian restart lagi.

Setelah Proses instalasi
Windows XP, pada umumnya kinerja windows belum sempurna sampai semua "driver" terinstal, Driver ini biasanya disertakan dalam bentuk
CD pada saat membeli komputer/laptop.
Driver yang utama adalah
Driver VGA atau PCI untuk display, driver audio dan driver network.
Pada umumnya driver VGA-nya
belum terinstall.
Jika tidak ada drivernya, maka
wajib untuk download sesuai dengan merk mainboard komputernya.

Petunjuk singkat untuk mendownload sesuai merk-nya yaitu
Klik Start - Klik Run (paling bawah sebelah kanan) - ketikkan dxdiag kemudian
Enter. Nanti akan terlihat Modelnya, cari driver di google dengan kata kunci tersebut.

Pantai Samas

Samas Beach is a beach located in the village of Srigading, Sanden, Bantul, or about 24 km south of Yogyakarta. Samas beach famous for big waves, river deltas and lakes that make up freshwater lake. By Sub DIY Provincial Fishery Office, lake-lake is used for the development of fisheries, sea turtles and prawns as well as for fishing locations. On this beach, often held by people of Yogyakarta religious rituals as Carnival Tumuruning Maheso Suro Ceremony and Alms Labuan Sea. Samas beach bordering Patehan Coast in the west and in the east Parangtritis. In addition to big waves, Samas beach famous for the strong sea winds and the steep shoreline and white sandy beaches.
Samas beach sand is often used as a location for a number of rare turtle laying eggs like Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Turtle Blimbing, and olive ridley turtles.Hunting turtle eggs along the stretch of coast is often carried out by local fishermen for various purposes. However, or a number of initiatives and awareness Samas beach fishing with the Natural Resources Conservation Agency of Yogyakarta as well as a number of environmental organizations then formed Bantul Turtle Conservation Forum with members of the fishermen who used to hunt eggs panyu.
The turtles often landed at Samas beach to lay their eggs. This forum is applying the semi-natural hatchery for turtle eggs that will hatch. Usually, by the Bantul Turtle Conservation Forum turtle eggs that had been laid into the sand by a parent will be moved to the artificial nest. After hatching, baby sea turtles were placed in a managed pool maintenance is done Because of the semi-natural hatchery, then release to the sea have to wait 3 months to make it more powerful. Children are placed in the turtle pool maintenance fed ant eggs (Kroto) or chopped fish [1]. After three months, the turtle is usually released into the sea by high school students as part of the educational environment, in particular the conservation of sea turtles
On the white sandy beach is natural, you can also enjoy the beauty of the sea with Lighthouse Patehan up. It also has developed a terminal, car parks, toilets, lodging, SAR, electrical networks, praying, and eating houses. In that place, you can also watch the fish and shrimp raising effort undertaken by the Provincial Department of Fisheries Sub DIY. Some traditional ceremony is also conducted at Samas Beach is like a Carnival Ceremony Tumuruning Maheso Suro, Labuan Sea Alms, Performing Arts (while on vacation and Eid).

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia