Pantai Sembukan

Winton district is the only district / city in the Surakarta area has a beach.
The beach is located in District Paranggupito Sembukan approximately 40 Km south Winton City or 2 hours drive.
Sembukan beach is famous as the beaches are crowded by the ritual to meditate and ngalab blessing.
Sembukan coast a distance of approximately Parnggupito District Office is located 3.5 km, also at certain times of the float which also held the event continued with the puppet. If you want to tour the coast sembukan do not forget to bring the hook because there are many people who fish for fishing while enjoying the beautiful ocean scenery charming. Besides, there are places of worship are there in the top of the mountain which is located not far from the beach Sembukan

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 

Hutan Wisata Ketu

Alas Kethu is natural attractions located Giriwono Village, District Winton can be reached by road about 15 minutes downtown. As the name suggests, the attraction iniu course offers a panoramic view of nature in the form of forest. Alas existence Kethu near the town of Winton is very important, because it serves as the lung region. Winton mostly not very fertile territory requires a balancing current forest industrialization continues to move in this area. For local residents, Alas Kethu often twisted into Alaska, referring to a state in the United States. Therefore, when you ask where to Winton Kethu Alas, do not be surprised if answered, "oh, Alaska."
Objects Alas Kethu is situated close to the heart of Winton with panoramic forest teak, mahogany and eucalyptus area of ​​approximately 40 hectares in addition to the tourist attractions as well as the lungs of the city Winton with big plants and leafy. Alas Kethu is perfect for shooting action filmmaking and soap operas, as close to the Surakarta palace and Mangkunegaran, besides access to reach the site very easy to reach. Invite your family around leisurely enjoying the coolness Alas kenthu to unwind. 

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia  

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Waduk Mbrambang

Reservoir Mbrambang entry Wonokerso Village area, District Kedawung, Sragen, if you look at the size of the reservoir is small compared to the reservoir in the vicinity but wider than Dusan Reservoir not far from Mbrambang Reservoir (Reservoir Dusan entry Jenggrik Urban Village) Sub-District Kedawung well.
Every trip to the Stone of Sragen Jamus can be sure through and could see the reservoir, so not so much scenery there but if you are looking for a place to make a hobby fishing fishing reservoirs Mbrambang may as well be the solution, especially cheap solution.
Since the sedimentation reservoir dredging done in recent years have returned to the main function of this reservoir primarily for water storage as inventory in the rainy season, although that certainly it is definitely not sufficient for the needs of water for agriculture around the reservoir.
Dredging project for the third reservoir sedimentation is Mbrambang Reservoir (scallions), Reservoirs and Reservoir Delok Kingpin himself spent funds from the center approximately USD 3 billion. Sizable funds to remove sedimentation of approximately 55,000 cubic meters (for in reservoirs scallions). Most of the dredging sold to the public around the reservoir with varying prices.
Scallions reservoirs built around 1925 during the Dutch, the depth of the reservoir is initially about 4.5 meters on the wane due to sedimentation of mud since that time. This is the reason Sragen district government to carry out dredging in phase one and two have been done several years ago realized the importance of the function of the reservoir as a water supply for agriculture buttresses around the reservoir.Reservoir Mbrambang / scallions your history is now South of the reservoir is a small hill, I was used to estimate a pile of soil from dredging the reservoir at the time of manufacture, the west is swah and villages, coincide with the home in the north is the hamlet scallions, while the east side is the way Sragen highway - Stone hamlet Jamus and scallions.
No harm to take a moment sit there with family to enjoy its beauty despite the limited but also looks crowded abundant water season, many who like fishing unsaturated saturated sit there all day. 

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 


Volcanic symptoms such as earthquakes, hot springs, poisonous gas, and other minerals are abundant in volcanic regions, such as in Indonesia and other countries traveled row volcano (Mediterranean). SRAGEN district that is located far from the strip volcano has natural hot springs that came out of the earth and is + 2 meters above the river on the other side. Hot water is available in the orchard Bayanan.

Hot baths Bayanan is one tourist destination in the specific interests owned by Regency SRAGEN, in this case is for health tourism (health tourism) combined with natural tourist attraction or ecotourism.According to a story that develops in the community, the hot water is considered to have a lot of nutrients Bayanan cure a variety of diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, hives, and other diseases. Until the earlier of the hot springs is named "Hyang Tirto Nirmolo".It turns out that the truth is proven that many visitors flock to prove their benefits. Also can cure a variety of diseases on, hot water is believed to also be able to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, restoring the body's fitness, increase vitality of the body, preserving the freshness of the joints and muscles, relieve tired, tired, and make ageless.

In addition to the tour because of health benefits that are owned by this hot water cure a variety of diseases, Bayanan Hot baths also have a natural tourist attraction (ecotourism). Experience the unspoiled countryside to the main attraction for tourists who come from the city. The tourist can do exploration activities (tracking) or camping (camping) in the wild rubber which is not far from the bath and in the hills surrounding the PAP Bayanan.At certain times, for example by the Moon Fast and Love, in this attraction are often organized cultural activities, such as the stage or campursari dangdut.
Hot water bath is located right Bayanan southeast capital of regency SRAGEN namely the Dusun Bayanan, Village Jambeyan, Sub Sambirejo, Regency SRAGEN.Geographically, Bayanan Hot Baths located around 17 km to the southeast capital of regency SRAGEN. The distance can be achieved by using a private vehicle or public transportation. From the city center can be reached by Angkudes SRAGEN majors Bayanan - Sambirejo route: SRAGEN - Ngarum - Blimbing - Bayanan pp.

Stripes can be skipped:SRAGEN - Ngarum - Sambirejo - Sambi - BayananBarra - Gondang - Sambi - BayananMarketing of - Jambangan - Stone Jamus - want to work - Sambirejo - Sambi BayananRaquel - Mojogedang - Stone Jamus - want to work - Sambirejo - Sambi - BayananMAGETAN - Jogorogo - Ngrambe - Sine - Winong - Sambi - BayananKARANGPANDAN - NGARGOYOSO - JENAWI - Sambirejo - Sambi - Bayanan

Supporting tourism facilities and infrastructure available in Hot Water Bath Bayanan enough. General facilities available at this attraction among public restroom, hot water bathroom, dressing room, walkways, small restaurants, lodging, grocery stores, adequate parking, children's playground, swimming pool, jungle tours , room information, and mosque.Conditions infrastructure road to Hot Water Bath ODTW Bayanan be pretty good pavement width ± 4 m. Area attractions can be reached through the six paths.

Visitor facilities:Facilities provided governors Bayanan Hot baths for visitors such as the following:Bathroom Hot WaterVehicle Parking LotParks Recreation and Play for childrenForest TourFood stallsInformation SpaceMushola
Exotica Hyang Tirto NirmoloSights baths Bayanan the former resort of the rich Dutch during the colonial built in 1808 by Sir Praul, one of the leading Dutch merchant moment. Having been under government surveillance RI, in 1978, hot water baths Bayanan renovated. A year later the hot springs Bayanan inaugurated as the sights and under the management of the local government Dati II SRAGEN.But the villagers believed the myths around the hot springs hot springs states that the care of magical strength of spirit. The creature named Hyang Tirto Nirmolo and helpful healing the sick.

Local residents feel that the itching (Bubul-Java), tired after a heavy work can quickly recover and get back fresh water showers Bayanan completed. Therefore, a small house was built for ceremonial site. The building now is routinely held sacred ceremonies celebrating the harvest. For generations, the tradition usually held on Friday Legi in Javanese calendar.
Through scientific research note that the hot water and nutrients contained in it allegedly from a touch of magma (hot earth) affecting groundwater resources are very deep and to feel the surface as hot springs. Hot water right at the source + 44 0 C, and after reaching the surface in the bathroom bath + 36 0 C, according to the human body temperature, so it will feel nice and comfortable for bathing. Research done by the National Research and Technological Development Kegunungapian Yogyakarta shows that there are many elements / chemical compounds contained in Hot Springs Bayanan includes sulfur (sulfur). 

sumber: WiKi

visit the city of art and culture 
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia