Kalibawang is a district in Kulon Progo Regency, Province Of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Kalibawang is Agropolitan district
Kulon Progo Regency.
Sub Kalibawang prioritized as the Center growth in the region
Kalibawang Sub-district located in the eastern part of Ocean County
Kulon progo and direct bordering Towns To the North, Mungkid
Muntilan in the Northeast, with the Regency of Sleman in the East, with the In Samigaluh subdistrict
the West side and with In Nanggulan subdistrict the southern part. Limit the northern region until the East was marked by Times Progo.
Kalibawang Sub-district is plain and
most Merely Incise with elevation
up to 500 m above sea level.
The flagship product in Kalibawang Sub-district is: Chocolate, sugar Java/Red, Durian,
Dragon fruit, Slondok and Sugar Crystals. There Are some locations
visits in district Kalibawang including The Ancol, Nyi Ageng Serang, Tomb Simbah Kyai Krapayak Michael, Agro Durian,
Dragon Fruit Plantation, Banjaroya Tourism Village and cultural village Banjarharjo.
When there was a flood of lava
cool post eruption Mount Merapi years 2010 who frequently
decide the flow then the cross-road of Yogyakarta-Historically, this area is one of the nearest alternative pathway Connecting 2
the region.
sumber: WiKi
visit the city of art and culture
Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia